Transliteration: Alla-hu Akbar
Translation: Allah is the greatest

Transliteration: Subhana Kal-lah hum-ma wabi hamdika wata-bara kasmuka wata'ala jad-duka wala ilaha ghyruka.
Translation: Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are due unto you, and blessed is your name and high is your majesty and none is worthy of worship but you.

Transliteration: A'uzu bil-lahi minash Shayta-nir-rajeem
Translation: I seek Allah's protection from Satan who is accursed.

Transliteration: Bismillah hir-Rahma nir-Raheem
Translation: In the name of Allah, the most Kind and the most Merciful.

Alhamdul lil-lahi rab-bil 'alameen
Ar rahma nir-raheem
Maliki yawmid-deen
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een
Ihdinas siratal mustaqeem
Siratal Lazeena an'amta 'alayhim
Ghai-ril maghdubi 'alayhim
Walad dal-leen. Ameen
Ar rahma nir-raheem
Maliki yawmid-deen
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een
Ihdinas siratal mustaqeem
Siratal Lazeena an'amta 'alayhim
Ghai-ril maghdubi 'alayhim
Walad dal-leen. Ameen
Praise is only for Allah, Lord of the Universe.
The most Kind, the most Merciful.
The master of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship and to you alone we pray for help.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those whom you have blessed.
Who have not deserved your anger,
Nor gone astray.
The most Kind, the most Merciful.
The master of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship and to you alone we pray for help.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those whom you have blessed.
Who have not deserved your anger,
Nor gone astray.

After Surah Fatiha - recite any Surah from the Quran. Please note that the surah recited in the first rakath should be longer than the one recited in the second rakath. To listen to more surahs, visit Al- Quran

Qul huwal lahu ahad.
Allah hus-Samad.
Lam yalid walam yulad.
Walam yakul-lahu Kufuwan ahad.
Allah hus-Samad.
Lam yalid walam yulad.
Walam yakul-lahu Kufuwan ahad.
Say: He is Allah, the only one.
Allah helps and does not need help.
He does not produce a child, and He was not born of anyone.
There is no one equal to Him.
Allah helps and does not need help.
He does not produce a child, and He was not born of anyone.
There is no one equal to Him.

Recite Alla-hu Akbar (Listen) before going to Ruku. While in Ruku, recite the following supplication 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 or more times. Make it an odd number.
Transliteration: Sub-hana Rabbi-al 'ajeem.
Translation: Glory to my Lord the Exalted.

Transliteration: Sami 'allah hu liman hamida. Rab-bana lakal hamd.
Translation: Verily Allah listens to one who praises Him. Oh our Lord, all praises be to you.

Before going to the Sajdah, recite Alla-hu Akbar (Listen). While in Sajdah, recite the following supplication 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 or more times. Make it an odd number.
Transliteration: Sub-hana Rabbi yal a'la
Translation: Oh Allah, glory be to you, the most High.

To rise and sit from the first Sajdah, recite Alla-hu Akbar (Listen). Sit for a short while and recite the following:
Transliteration: Allah hum maghfirlee war-ham nee
Translation: Oh Allah, forgive me, and have mercy on me

Recite Alla-hu Akbar (Listen) before going to the secind Sajdah from Jalsah.
Recite the same supplication as the first Sajdah (Listen).

Before starting second rakath, say Alla-hu Akbar while standing up. Now, you have completed one Rakath. Then recite Tasmiah and Surah Fatiha. After Fatiha, recite tasmiah and another surah and proceed to Ruku by saying Alla-hu Akbar. Carry on the acts till the second Sajdah. After second Sajdah, say Alla-hu Akbar, but sit down for reciting Tashahud, Darud and some supplications before finishing the prayer with salam.

At-tahiy-yatu lil-lahi was sala-watu wat-tay yibatu
As-salamu 'alayka ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu
wa rahma tullahi wa bara-katuhu
As-salamu 'alayna wa'ala 'ibadil-la his-sali-heen
Ash hadu al-la ilaha il-lal lahu
wa ash hadu an-na Muhammadan
'ab-duhu wa rasuluh.
As-salamu 'alayka ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu
wa rahma tullahi wa bara-katuhu
As-salamu 'alayna wa'ala 'ibadil-la his-sali-heen
Ash hadu al-la ilaha il-lal lahu
wa ash hadu an-na Muhammadan
'ab-duhu wa rasuluh.
All compliments, all physical prayer,
and all monitary worship are for Allah.
Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet,
and Allah's mercy and blesings.
Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah.
I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
and all monitary worship are for Allah.
Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet,
and Allah's mercy and blesings.
Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah.
I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

If you are offering 3 Rakath of salah (as in Maghrib), then after Tashahud in second Rakath, you say Alla-hu Akbar and stand up. Then you recite Tasmiah, Fatiha and other supplications. Note that a surah after Fatiha is only recited in the first two rakaths. Carry on till second Sajdah in the normal manner and sit for second Tashahud in the third Rakath. After that, you are to recite the following three supplications and finish the prayer. If you are offering 4 Rakath of salah, then don't sit for Tashahud in the third Rakath. Simply stand up after second Sajdah in the third rakath by saying Alla-hu Akbar. Carry on till second sajdah and sit for Tashahud in the fourth Rakath. Recite the following three supplications to finish the prayer.

As-salamu 'alaykum wa rah-matul lah
Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah.

Allah hum mahdinee feeman hadayta,
Wa 'afinee feeman 'afayta,
wata wal-lane feeman twal-layta
wa barik lee feema a'taita,
waqinee shar-ra ma qadayta,
fa-innaka taqdee wala yuqda 'alayk,
innahu laa Yazil-lu man walayt,
wala ya'iz-zu man 'adaita,
tabarakta rabbana wata 'alaita,
nastaghfiruka wanatubu ilayka,
Wa sal-lal lahu alan-nabee.
Wa 'afinee feeman 'afayta,
wata wal-lane feeman twal-layta
wa barik lee feema a'taita,
waqinee shar-ra ma qadayta,
fa-innaka taqdee wala yuqda 'alayk,
innahu laa Yazil-lu man walayt,
wala ya'iz-zu man 'adaita,
tabarakta rabbana wata 'alaita,
nastaghfiruka wanatubu ilayka,
Wa sal-lal lahu alan-nabee.
Oh Allah, make me among those whom You have guided,
and make me among those whom You have saved, and make
me among those whom You have chosen, and bless whatever
you have given me, and protect me from the evil which you have decreed; verily, You decide the things and nobody can decide against You; and none whom You have committed to Your care shall be humiliated and none whom You have taken as an enemy shall taste glory. You are blessed, our Lord, and Exalted, we ask for Your forgiveness and turn to You. Peace and mercy of Allah be upon the Prophet.
and make me among those whom You have saved, and make
me among those whom You have chosen, and bless whatever
you have given me, and protect me from the evil which you have decreed; verily, You decide the things and nobody can decide against You; and none whom You have committed to Your care shall be humiliated and none whom You have taken as an enemy shall taste glory. You are blessed, our Lord, and Exalted, we ask for Your forgiveness and turn to You. Peace and mercy of Allah be upon the Prophet.
Sorry, no audio for the above supplication. The one below has an audio file.
or, you may recite this one,
Allah humma inna nast'eenuka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu'minu bika wa natawak-kalu 'alayka wa nuthne 'alayk-al khayr. Wa nashkuruka wa laaa nakfuruka wa nakhla'u wa natruku man-y yafjuruka. Allah humma iyyaka na'budu wa laka nusal-lee wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas'a wa nahfidu wa narju rahmataka wa nakhsha 'azabaka inna 'azabaka bil kuf-fari mulhiq.
Oh Allah, we ask you for help and seek your forgiveness, and we believe in You and have trust in You, and we praise you in the best way and we thank You and we are not ungrateful to you, and we forsake and turn away from the one who disobeys you. O Allah, we worship You only and pray to You and prostrate ourselves before You, and we run towards You and serve You, and we hope to receive your mercy, and we fear your punishment. Surely, the disbelievers will receive your punishment.

It may look difficult to memorize all these supplications in the beginning, but keep on learning everyday. Soon, you will be able to memorize them all.
Subhanaka Allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabaraka kasmuka wata aalaa jadduka walaa illaaha ghairuka.
Attahiyaatu lillahi wassalawatu wattyeebaathu assalamualika ayuhan nabiyyu warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, assalaamualyinaa w’alaa ebaadillahis sowaliheen. Ashhadu alla ilaha illallahoo wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ab duhoo wa rasooluhu.
Allahumma swalli-ala muhammadui walaa aalihi Muhammad, kama sallyita a;laa ibrahim wa’alaa aali ibraheem. Innaka hameedum majeed.
Allahumma baarik a’laa muhammadui wa’alaa aali Muhammad , kama baarakta a’laa ibraheem wa’laa aali ibraheem . Innaka hameedum majeed.
Allahumma innee zalamthu nafsee zulman kasiraw walaa yaghfiruz zunuba illa antha faghfirlee maghfiratam min indika warhamnee innaka anthal ghafurur raheem
Allahumma innaa nasta ienuka. Wanastagh firuka wan’u minu bika. Wanatakkalu alika. Wanusne alikal khair. Wanash kuruka alanag furuka wanah lau’u wanathruku maiy yaf juruka. Allahumma
iyyaka n’abudu walaka nussalleea. Wanasjudu waelaika nas’aa wanahfidu wanarju rahmatika. Wanakh sha azabaka inna azabaka bil kuf-fari mulhiq.
Intention: Fajr 2 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Fajri sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Fajr 2 rakat fard.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Fajri fardullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Zuhor 4 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Zuhri sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Zuhor 4 rakat fard.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Zuhri fardullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Zuhor 2 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Zuhri sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Zuhor 2 rakat nofol.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Zuhri nafli mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Asor 4 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Asri sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Asor 4 rakat fard.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Asri fardullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Magrib 3 rakat fard.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala salasa rakati salatil Magribi fardullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Magrib 2 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Magribi sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Magrib 2 rakat nofol.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Magribi nofli mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Isha 4 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Ishai sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Isha 4 rakat fard.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala arba rakati salatil Ishai fardullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Isha 2 rakat sunnath.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Ishai sunnati rasoolillaahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR
Intention: Isha 2 rakat nofol.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Ishai nofli mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Isha 2 rakat halqin nofol.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil Ishai halkin nofli mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: Isha 3 rakat weetri wajib.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala salasa rakatai salatil weetri wajibullahi taala mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: E- dul Fitr 2 rakat.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil E- dul fitri ma’a sittati takbirati wajibullahi taala iqta daitu bihaazal imam mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish shareefati ALLAHU AKBAR.
Intention: E- dul Azhha 2 rakat.
Nawaituan usallia lillahi taala rakati salatil E- dul azhha ma’a sittati takbirati wajibllahi taala iqta daitu bihaazal imam mutawajjihan illa jihatil qaabatish sharifati ALLAHU AKBAR.
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